Videos Courtney + Walker Video- Reel Special Photos- Samantha Moore Mary Jane + Kyle Video + Photo Switzer Film Lindsley + Taylor Video - Reel Special Photo- Malicotes Jamie + Jeff Video- Summit Stone Creations Photo- Shining Light Photography Hannah + Will Video + Photo Switzer Film Ann Archer + Farley Video- Happy Camper Photography- Eric Kelley Beckett +JP Video- Reel Special Photography- Kyle John Alyssa + Joe Video- Reel Special Photography- Victor Sizemore Jane Brady + Wyatt Video- Casey + Sara Photos- The Malicotes Kaitlyn + JP Video- The Renauds Photography- Tracy Burch Photography Samantha + Damon Video- The Renauds Photography- Conrhod Zonio Hailey + Luke Video- Happy Camper Films Photography- Samantha Moore Leah + Colm Video- Scott Hayes Productions Photo- Victor Sizemore